I don’t like Verizon

Goodness, I’m not sure exactly where to start. My cellphone screen on my Galaxy S4 got damaged in July to an extent that it was unusable. For the last month or so I’ve been using an old Galaxy Trend which while doing the job, does it in a manner that frustrates me, slow, laggy, crashes etc.

Now in the US I figured I’d be able to pick up a cheapish 2nd hand S4 and perform a motherboard transplant. Looking around Ebay, I found quite a few phones. Almost all of them were 16GB versions (as opposed to my 32GB) and many were CDMA (although including GSM). From this I thought there might be some problems with a direct motherboard switch, but if it looked like it wouldn’t work, I could just use the phone as it came and not do the transplant.

Additionally to this, most of the phones seemed to be carrier locked. A google search showed that this is relatively easy to disable however, so I thought nothing more of it. Cue me buying a Verizon Galaxy S4.

IMG_4304It arrived, I put my T-Mobile SIM card in and booted up. The phone notified me that an invalid SIM card had been put in, but still allowed me to make phone calls. Time for the heart transplant.

The phone opens up easily enough, at first glance the boards look like direct replacement, but I noted several small differences. As such I decided to rather try get the Verizon phone to work with my T-Mobile SIM.

It should be as simple as going into a ‘secret‘ menu and changing a setting. Problem one, none of the ‘secret’ codes did anything. Even typing *#06# (which should bring up the phone’s IMEI number) did nothing. Verizon had the secret menu blocked.

Then I tried a bunch of other things, firstly trying to create a shortcut to trigger the secret menu. Which failed. Then trying to send commands to the phone via USB debugging and the Android Development Kit. Eventually resigning myself to rooting my phone. Kingo works like a bomb by the way. This allows you to edit a file in the system to make hidden menus visible.

Great. All done, but not actually. So I can bring up the hidden menu, but when I navigate to the correct place, the option I need to turn the SIM Lock off isn’t there. There should be 3 options: info, on and off. I have only info. Now I don’t know what to do. There are lots of people with lots of ideas. They mention installing other APKs, I install CWM recovery to support this, but whenever I try boot in to the CWM recovery, the phone decides halfway it doesn’t like CWM and loads the standard Android recovery menu (I assume this is also Verizon’s doing).

Image modified from

Image modified from Wonderhowto

I remember now that, although the phone tells me it has an invalid SIM card, I could still make a phone call. My data doesn’t work, but looking around, I was able to create my own APN which then got my data working. SMS however wasn’t working, and the usual menu item to change the SMS Service centre wasn’t there. There is apparently another code you can enter to bring up a hidden menu. But for whatever reason this did not work. Googling I see that others have a similar issue.

Unfortunately not everyone in the US uses Whatsapp or equivalent, and I still rely on being able to send SMSs. So I decide to cut my losses(?) and go for the heart transplant.

IMG_4303It went OK. Not as well as I’d hoped but OK. Took Verizon motherboard out, and put my 32GB motherboard in. So there are a set of cables down the LHS which plug into the motherboard. The cables are fairly rigid and the plug location slightly different on the two boards. There’s an additional brown wire that was not in my 32GB phone.

Circled plug in different place results in bulge in cables

Circled plug in different place results in bulge in cables

I removed this additional wire (as no where to plug it in) and went about removing some plastic structure of the phone to get the cabling to still fit in its new position.

Clips that I shaved off to make cables fit.

Clips that I shaved off to make cables fit.

Put everything back together and it works. However the bottom ‘back’ and ‘menu’ buttons don’t function. They light up occasionally but don’t do anything. At the moment I’m just living with it to see how annoying it is. I did find a workaround. Also the phone thinks its charging even though it isn’t :/

Coming from South Africa, where phones haven’t really been carrier locked since the late 90s, the amount of effort that has gone into locking the phones in the States is incredible. I’m truly impressed (albeit extremely frustrated) at the lengths I’ve tried to go through to unlock this phone. Verizon will apparently do it for a fee, ~$100. More than what I paid for the phone in the first place.

But I have a mostly working phone. And it’s fast and I’m happy enough for now :)

Also I realise Verizon didn’t do all this work themselves, and that Samsung developed the phone in this manner. But it was done because of companies like Verizon who believe that the phone should for some reason belong to them. And that is why I don’t like Verizon.

Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Parks

It was only our first week in the US, but we already had an opportunity to travel. A field trip to Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks was to be our first adventure in our new home. Located about 350km (or 5 hours drive including traffic) North of LA, and about 100km inland, these two national parks are just some of the many national parks/forests/conservancies that litter the US and that we are keen to explore.

IMG_4205It was a great opportunity for us to get out and meet new people. We camped the Friday and Saturday night at Crystal Springs campsite. This included the new experience of bear protection. Back home we’re generally fenced in from the lions and leopards, but a low enough risk means bears are free to roam through campsites in the States, smelling out food, toothpaste or other items of interest. We were fortunate (so I’m told) enough to not  be bothered by the wildlife. None the less we did our part and made use of on site steel anti-bear cupboards to store our fragrant belongings.

IMG_4269Saturday, after a leisurely wakeup, we went to the end of the Kings Canyon road and hiked the 4 miles up to Mist Falls. It’s a fairly non-strenuous hike through the forests and along the river. Several opportunities to swim were not ignored, and the fresh water was a welcome relief to the fairly warm Californian weather.


Mist Falls

The scenery is picturesque; ambling through the trees, wedged between towering mountains, one is never short of a stunning view or photo opportunity.


General Grant (81m tall; its namesake a measly 1.73m tall)

We returned back to camp for the night, and on Sunday we drove out through the Sequoia National Park, stopping off at General Grant (pictured above and below) for a few pictures with the enormous trees. Apparently the park is quite popular on weekends, as the General Grant section was packed, requiring us to take a shuttle from a nearby parking area. Also the trees there are huge!

IMG_4293The two types of ‘big trees’ are the Sequoias (tall and really wide) and the Redwoods (Even taller, slightly thinner). They’re both part of the same family, but the Redwoods are found closer to San Francisco. See useful insert from the NPS map:

SequoiaA long drive back to LA got us home before dark.

Huawei Mediapad T1

I’ve been contemplating buying a tablet for a year or two now. But had mostly decided against it, mainly due to the lack of use it will get. I had previously owned an IPad 2 which I won in competition in 2012. I had sold it several months after winning it as I wasn’t giving it the use I felt it deserved, and as a student heading off overseas I felt the funds could be put to better use.


Slots for MicroSD and MicroSIM exposed in top left (tablet’s bottom right)

And I didn’t regret it. Recently however I’ve been travelling more frequently and my future plans appear to contain a lot more travelling too. Specifically flying. I have on several occasions travelled with my laptop. Which is OK. But it’s heavy, bulky and awkward to work on when on the move when you don’t have a desk or somewhere to place it. My phone on the other hand, while being very capable, is not something I’m going to get much work done on.

So for the past few months I’ve been trawling the second hand tablet market. Which in East London is slightly worse than the already poor SA 2nd hand market. Tablets seem to hold their value remarkably well. I’d hoped for an iPad, preferably with a retina display. iPad Air would have been ideal and I was specifically looking for a device with mobile data. The prices however were (for what I was wanting) exorbitant.

3.55mm audio jack, power button and volume rocker

3.55mm audio jack, power button and volume rocker

I tried Android equivalents but they were no cheaper. Eventually resigning my fate to that of a 720p screen. Still in the market I started monitoring specials and deals from the various technology outlets. Eventually settling on a Huawei T1 Mediapad.

And it’s ticked all the boxes. Takealot had it on special and with a significant amount of eBucks I managed to pick it up fairly cheap. Takealot advertised it as a 4Gb model without SD card slot. Research however showed this did not exist, so I ran the risk and ended up with a 16Gb unit that I added a 64gb microSD card to. I ordered a black unit but they delivered a white one. Not the end of the world and I chose to not bother with the return procedure.

charging port at bottom is updside down

charging port at bottom is upside down

It came neatly packaged with earphones I haven’t bothered to use and surprisingly only a 1A charger with separate micro USB cable. Not much else needed. The first thing I noticed when turning it on was the resolution. I didn’t think it would bother me, and I’ve gotten over it with time, but 720p on a 10″ screen in this day and age is a crime. My 3 year old Galaxy S4 has 1080p on a 5″ screen. Tablet still works fine, but low pixel density is noticeable.

The tablet hasn’t give me any trouble really. I’m not a big fan of the EMUI (v3.0) interface and may run a jailbreak at a later stage but will stick it out for now. It gives transparent icons a green background and all apps are on your ‘desktops’. No apps menu. I also prefer hardware interface buttons as opposed to the on-screen ones Huawei use.

Why do icon backgrounds go green?

Why do icon backgrounds go green?

The volume rocker sits directly below the power button which means I regularly turn the screen off instead of changing the volume. Both are located top right which works well. The charger plugs in at the bottom, however goes in upside down. Unusual. Headphone jack located on the top. Right hand side bottom hides the micro SIM and microSD cards. Cameras are nothing to rave about, but I won’t use them for anything more than Skype for which they are adequate.

The 4G works well and the phone allows for voice calls and SMS as well. The tablet runs Android KitKat and besides Google Camera not working, I haven’t experienced any other major problems. At times the tablet will freeze momentarily. This is most noticeable when playing music and doing something else where the music will not play for a short time before continuing. This is noticeable in some other apps too when you push a button and it will freeze for a short time. Although slightly annoying it doesn’t majorly impede the use of the tablet and I’m not sure of the exact cause.

Overall I’ve been happy with the performance of the tablet. I’m by no means a power user and am slowly finding more and more uses for the tablet. Another slight annoyance is the lack of locally available covers for the Media pad. I’ve had to resign to doing an eBay order to get one which will probably still take another month (took 6 weeks in total in the end) to arrive assuming SAPO do their job.IMG_20160515_132852

The touch screen is mostly responsive but can be a bother at times, requiring multiple taps, specifically on smaller targets, to register.

Time goes on and as it does I discover more I like and dislike about the tablet. But I won’t be selling this one any time soon.

Google Maps not loading properly

This evening I was looking around at a couple areas on Google Maps, and the maps weren’t loading properly. Initially I thought it was my poor internet connection, but waiting for it, moving around, the problem seemed to be bigger. This was in Firefox, so I tried loading up in Chrome, thinking this might solve the problem. But no dice.

I then checked out the Maps app on my Android Tablet, and I seemed to experience the same problem. The below picture shows what it looked like, then a moment later without me changing anything half the image disappeared.

everything was OK, then half of the roads disappeared.

everything was OK, then half of the roads disappeared.

Outage.Report doesn’t show any problems, although several people have recently reported not being able to access it. I tweeted about this and immediately got a response from another user with a similar problem.

No news from Google yet, but we wait and see.


UPDATE: 24 hours later and the problem appears to have resolved itself without comment from Google.