When do you require a PDP / PrDP licence?

I was recently in a discussion with friends over when one actually needs a PDP licence? One of them is a missionary who often transports people around in one of the church’s Quantums. Investigating the situation it all comes down to how you want to define certain things. The following is the simplest breakdown to determine if you need one or not:

Click for full size modified from: foresightpublications.co.za

Click for full size
modified from: foresightpublications.co.za

The biggest thing to decide is on the concept of paying customers. Certain websites state it as “a motor vehicle used for the conveyance of persons for reward” and others as “other vehicle carrying paying passengers”. These are two very different topics. In my friend’s case, the passengers aren’t paying, but she may be receiving remuneration for her work at the church and such as is required to drive the mini-bus as part of her duties, thus she would fall in this category.

If we look at the regulation itself:

National Road Traffic Act, 1996 – National Road Traffic Regulations, 1999 – Chapter V: Fitenss of Drivers – Part IV: Professional Driving Permit – 115: Certain drivers of certain vehicles to hold professional driving permit

1) Subject to the provisions of subregulation (2), a professional driving permit shall be held by the driver of –

… e) a motor vehicle used for the conveyance of persons for  reward …

Thus if she is being remunerated for her work she would probably require one. It also explains why on sports tours at university we didn’t require one, as we were not being paid for driving.

Other things to note:

  • The currently used Professional Driving Permit (PrDP) is the continuation of the old Public Driving Permit (PDP) which was used pre 1998 and excluded certain provisions which are now included under the PrDP.
  • Price will vary with time.
  • A D (dangerous goods) licence includes a G (goods) licence.
  • One can hold both a P (people) and G, or P and D PrDP licence at the same time.
  • The minimum age for a PrDP licence is 18 for a G licence, 21 for a P licence, and 25 for a D licence.
  • If it’s a goods vehicle under 3.5 tons, it does not require a PrDP.
  • If it’s a vehicle of any size used to carry passengers for reward, or has 12 or more seats, a PrDP is required.
  • Almost all vehicles over 3.5 tons will require a PrDP, either for carrying passengers or as a goods vehicle. This is irrelevant of whether you are transporting goods or passengers at the time or not.
  • A vehicle over 3.5 tons, but is not a goods vehicle, does not require a PrDP. I’ve seen several people make mention of the Ford F250 and how traffic officer’s have demanded a PrDP. According to the law it is not required unless it can be defined as a goods vehicle. It does however require a C1 (old code 10) or higher licence.

This opens another discussion on the definition of goods vehicle. The RTA defines goods as

any movable property

and a goods vehicle as

a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, motor tricycle, motor quadrucycle, motorcar, minibus or bus, designed or adapted for the conveyance of goods on a public road and includes a truck-tractor, adaptor dolly, converter dolly and breakdown vehicle

Which is very vague, so people who get fines for their F250 should probably just right a nice letter trying to explain how their vehicle is a private vehicle and should not fall under the definition of a goods vehicle.

To get a PrDP you must also not have been convicted of certain crimes within the space of 5 years (NRTA):

if the applicant has, within a period of five years prior to the date of the application, been convicted of or has paid an admission of guilt on –
i)    driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug having a narcotic effect;
ii)    driving a motor vehicle while the concentration of alcohol in his or her blood exceeded a statutory limitation;
iii)    reckless driving; or
iv)    in the case of an application for a category “P” and “D” permit, an offence of which violence was an element;

With regards to foreign/international/overseas driver’s licences, the exact law is unclear and interpreted differently. My interpretation of the NRTA (specific section) matches Fleetwatch here. If you wish to drive a vehicle that requires a PrDP, you either need a South African licence with a PrDP, or you need a licence from a prescribed country with their equivalent of the PrDP (for example Zimbabwe’s Defensive Driving Licence). If you have a licence from any other country you are not permitted to drive such a vehicle.

This is however countered by the AA in this response of their’s in which they essentially state that if you are allowed to drive a PrDP vehicle in your country, you can drive it in SA.

Please note, I am in no way an expert with regards to traffic laws or any related topic, I am merely laying out the information as I’ve found it, all comments below are also given with a view from the facts I know, always enquire at your local traffic department when uncertain.

764 thoughts on “When do you require a PDP / PrDP licence?

  1. hi ,if i apply today for a pdp can i get a temporary pdp today?please assist

    • If you have all the necessary documents, police clearance, medical check etc. and have made payment as required you should be able to get a temporary licence issued.

  2. Please help me ten seat.qautuam need pdp for govment carry staff and childrean

  3. Hi there,
    Thanks for posting such a detailed blog and replying to all the questions asked.
    My question is; If I want a persons and goods PDrP do i have to apply twice? ie; pay the prescribed fee twice and all that?

    • Hi Ash

      It can all be included in one application, I’m not sure on the cost though. I imagine it will only be for one licence.
      Let me know if you find out otherwise.

  4. Hi there

    We fetch volunteers to and from the airport as well as to and from their projects in a normal passenger vehicle (Hyundai i20) . They pay a once off fee covering transport, accomodation etc. Would we need a PDP?
    Also, what is the point of the PDP if you already have a licence? Why do paying passengers have more importance than friends or family being transported by you?


    • Hi Heather
      If your driver is being paid to fetch and transport these people, then technically you require a PrDP, regardless of the vehicle. The fact that you are driving an i20 means the police are unlikely to realise what you are doing, however for insurance purposes it is important that you have a PrDP. And this is why paying passengers have more importance than friends or family. The moment you are transporting a paying passenger, liability becomes a big factor. Having a PrDP at least means that you are medically fit and have no criminal record which may lead people to not want you to drive them.

      Regardless of the exact reason (Aimed more at taxis, buses etc. but unfortunately covers all transport for reward), it is the law and as such is a requirement.

  5. Hi Gareth
    Thanx for your website i lerned more to all quesions ppl asked. Thanx!

  6. hie my question is if you paid a ticket for not putting on a seat belt ,are you able to get a prdp?

  7. Hi Gareth
    i have read all your replies about the PrDP system.
    But i need to ask this just to clarify something.
    I have an old all legal and lisenced overland mercesbenz 4×4 truck. you know the kind that was converted to carry passengers with all their stuff through africa. it used to be able to carry 10 passengers in the back and then there is a seat next to the driver as well in the cab. so the total people in the truck was 12 but i took 2 seats out in the back for more packing and so on, but my wife and i and friends are taking it on a camping trip to mozabique. we will be 10 people in total that is including the driver. it is not a money making thing. it is me and friends on a camping trip. i never use it to make money. it is a big 9 ton 4×4 truck. do i need a PrDP to use it.
    thanks for the help

    • Hey Andre

      Check what your licence disk says, ie how many passengers it says are allowed in the vehicle. If it’s 12 then you do require a PrDP. If you’ve taken 2 seats out, then you may be able to convince a cop that it’s not for 12 passengers. But if your vehicle is able/allowed to transport 12 people, you do need a PrDP, regardless of if you’re being paid or not.

      Enjoy the trip

      • ok thanks for the info. it is just weird that if you are the owner of a toyota quantum bus which is just for your own private use that you need a PrDP even if you are the only person in the bus. hahahahahaha
        have a good day

        • Yes it is. But having a 12 seater Quantum for yourself is a rather odd situation to be in :)

  8. Hi Gareth am a girl of 28 yrs old I drive Bidvest magnum bakkies with code 10 licence traansporting guards and now I want to drive buses and I dnt know if I hv to do Code 14 or wht. Must I do plz help

    • Hi Veliswa, it depends what bus you want to drive. A code 10 licence will let you drive buses up to GVM 16 tons, which should be plenty.

  9. Hi Gareth, I own an airconditioning company and have about 4 half ton and 2 one ton bakkies. I deliver and install the aircons at the client. Yesterday I got 3 tickets from a traffic officer. Daihatsu Bakkie.
    1) Operating on a public road without a valid public driving permit.
    2) Operating vehicle without operators card, and not affixed.
    3) Roadwaorthy certificate not displayed.
    I understand that I do not need PDP for my vehicles. What is an operators card.
    The officer said all company vehicles must have PDP and operators cards, and then why a roadworthy certificate?
    I am finding it difficult to get the proper information, please can you help or tell me where to go.

    • Hi David

      The AA have a brief description regarding operators cards. From their summary and as far as I can tell, an operators card is only required for goods vehicles over 3.5 tons or dangerous goods vehicles amongst others. But your vehicles should not require an operators card as far as I can tell.

      You also don’t need a PrDP licence. The Roadworthy certificate is linked with the operators card so is also unimportant.

      Try writing a letter to the traffic department stating that your vehicles are less than 3.5 tons and that as such no Operators card or related documentation is required.

      Good luck, and let me know how it turns out.

      • Thank you for your help, they cancelled the tickets yesterday, as my vehicles are not over 3500 kg and I am not transporting people. I think the traffic officer was just trying her luck.

  10. Hi there,,my name is TC I have a code B,,will I be required to drive my family in the hyundai H1 9 seater without PDP?

    • Hi TC

      If you are just driving your family, and you’re not being paid to transport them you do not require a PRDP licence

      • Hi I’d like to ask I was convicted 5years ago I have C1 so is it possible for to get prdp?,I have a job but they want prdp

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